- Has she had any discharge? 她有过分泌物吗?
- I asked her if she had any rooms to let. 我问她有没有房间出租。
- She had not as yet had any dispute with the Queen. 她当然还没有和王后争吵过。
- I don't believe she had any sense of humor. 我认为她是没有幽默感的。
- She has any number of things she must do today. 她今天有数不清的事要做。
- As soon as she has any news,she'll drop me a line. 她一旦有什么消息,会给我写信的。
- She looks ill today; has she had bad news? 她今天气色不好,是不是得到了什么坏消息?
- If she has any weakness, it is her Italian. 如果要说她有什么缺点,那就是她的意大利语不大行。
- Do you know if she has any hobbies? 你知道她有什么爱好吗?
- Has she had her temperature taken? 她的体温量过了吗?
- Does she have any brothers or sisters? 她有兄弟姐妹吗?
- How long has she had these symptoms? 这些症状有多长时间了?
- How much experience has she had in television? 她在电视台工作上有多少经验?
- Does she have any brothers and sisters? 她有兄弟姐妹吗?
- Does she have any managerial experience? 她有没有什么管理经验?
- Has she got a stomach ache? Yes, she has. 她胃疼吗?是的,她胃疼。
- She have not changed at all, have she? 她完全没有变嘛。
- She have not take her medicine, have she? 她还没有吃药,对吗?
- Have you had any discharge? 有什么流出物吗?
- Helen has a great many friends indeed, but she does not think she has any she can confide in. 海伦固然有许多朋友,可是她认为没有一个是可以谈贴心话的。